"Cycle found" with Spring Data Mongo 1.5 "Cycle found" with Spring Data Mongo 1.5 spring spring

"Cycle found" with Spring Data Mongo 1.5

Your code is correct. That log message is just INFO level to tell you that there is potential cycle reference in your code.

You could ignore that annoying message by turning logger off. In case your are using Spring Boot, add this to your application.properties file:logging.level.org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.index=OFF

The given types contain a strcuture potentially causing infinite loops while trying to resolve index information and/or reading values from the store.During startup domain types as well as generic type information of Collections are inspected. This points out the cycle mentioned in the resulting error.

Rule -> Filter -> Filter.rules          ^                |          |                |          +----------------+

Though the error should not prevent the container from starting - should only be printed to the log. Maybe you addtionally ran into DATAMONGO-949 and want to give the current 1.5.1-SNAPSHOT a spin.

Please feel free to open a ticket.

You are using:private List<Filter> rules = new ArrayList<Filter>();

change this to:private List<?> child;

I was facing same problem but after using this the code is working fine without error.