Disable Spring Cloud AWS autoconfiguration for local development Disable Spring Cloud AWS autoconfiguration for local development spring spring

Disable Spring Cloud AWS autoconfiguration for local development

I've solved this for tests using the surefire plugin:

<plugin>    <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>    <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>    <version>2.21.0</version>    <configuration>        <classpathDependencyExcludes>            <classpathDependencyExcludes>org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-aws-autoconfigure</classpathDependencyExcludes>        </classpathDependencyExcludes>    </configuration></plugin>

Local development was solved setting the following variables as VM parameters or in the Spring Cloud Config Server:


You can use any value for cloud.aws.region.static, but there has to be one.

I read both solutions in different places and thought it might help someone in the future to see them combined here.