Disable table recreation in Spring Boot application Disable table recreation in Spring Boot application spring spring

Disable table recreation in Spring Boot application

Your configuration isn't a @Configuration class.

Next to that I suggest that you use the power of Spring Boot. Which means I would suggest removing everything but the DataSource configuration and simply add an application.properties file with the following properties


This should give you the desired behavior, with less coding.

You could even remove the datasource if you have either commons-dbcp or tomcat-pool in your classpath and adding the following properties


If you are using spring boot, you could do it by configuration over the config file. Hibernate has all this possibilities:

  1. validate (validate the schema)
  2. update (update the schema if are changes)
  3. create (create the schema)
  4. create-drop (create the schema and drop it at the end)

but if you want don't do anything, spring boot add other chance, use as follow:

spring:  jpa:    hibernate:      ddl-auto: none

Your ApplicationConfig is not @Configuration. I imagine that means the Spring Boot autoconfig will also be applied. Can you try adding that?