Docker Compose + Spring Boot + Postgres connection Docker Compose + Spring Boot + Postgres connection spring spring

Docker Compose + Spring Boot + Postgres connection

Each container has its own network interface with its own localhost. So change how Java points to Postgres:




db will resolve to the proper Postgres IP.

Bonus. With docker-compose you don't need to build your image by hand. So change:

web:  image: myuser/manager:latest


web:  build: .

I had the same problem and I lost some time to understand and solve this problem:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.

I show all the properties so that everyone understands.



  version: "3"  services:    springapp:      build: .      container_name: springapp      environment:        SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL: jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/testdb      ports:        - 8000:8080      restart: always      depends_on:        - db    db:      image: postgres      container_name: db      environment:        - POSTGRES_USER=postgres        - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres        - POSTGRES_DB=testdb        - PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata      ports:        - 5000:5432      volumes:        - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data      restart: always  volumes:    pgdata:

For start spring application with local database we use url localhost.
For connect to container with database we need change 'localhost' on your database service, in my case 'localhost' to 'db'.

Solution: add SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL environment in docker-compose.yml wich rewrite spring.datasource.url value for connect:

  environment:    SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL: jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/testdb

I hope this helps someone save his time.

You can use this.

version: "2"services:    sample_db-postgresql:        image: postgres:9.5        ports:            - 5432:5432        environment:            - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=sample            - POSTGRES_USER=sample            - POSTGRES_DB=sample         volumes:            - sample_db:/var/lib/postgresql/datavolumes:    sample_db: