Does any embedded DB support JSON datatype? Does any embedded DB support JSON datatype? spring spring

Does any embedded DB support JSON datatype?

When you use database specific features - like JSON support in PostgreSQL, for safety you have to use the same type of database for testing. In your case you want to test your DAO objects:

  • assume that PostgreSQL is installed on localhost and make sure that it is the case for all environments where tests run
  • or even better - try using otj-pg-embedded which downloads and starts PostgreSQL for JUnit tests (I haven't used it in real life projects)


If you are able to run Docker in your test environment instead of embedded databases use real Postgres via TestContainers

            package miniCodePrjPkg;            import java.util.List;            import java.util.Map;            import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner;            import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.MapListHandler;            import java.sql.Connection;            import java.sql.DriverManager;            import java.sql.SQLException;            import java.sql.Statement;            import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;            import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;            import;            import;            import;            import;            //import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;            //            //import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;            //import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;            //import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_7_latest;            public class DslQueryCollList {                public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {                    // apache comm coll cant ,only array is ok..cant json_object eff                    // Map m=Maps.                    Map myMap = Maps.newHashMap(ImmutableMap.of("name", 999999999, "age", 22));                    Map myMap2 = Maps.newHashMap(ImmutableMap.of("name", 8888888, "age", 33));                    List li = new ImmutableList.Builder().add(myMap).add(myMap2).build();                    System.out.println(li);                    // /db/xx.sql            //   EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_7_latest)            //              .addSchema("aschema", classPathScript("iniListCache.sql"))            //              .start();                    // this just start..and u need a cliednt as common to conn..looks trouble than                    // sqlite                    String sql = " json_extract(jsonfld,'$.age')>30";                    List<Map<String, Object>> query = queryList(sql, li);                    System.out.println(query);                    // run.query(conn, sql, rsh)                }                private static List<Map<String, Object>> queryList(String sql_query, List li)                                        throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, JsonProcessingException {                sql_query="SELECT * FROM sys_data where "+sql_query;                                    String sql = null;                    Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC");                    Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:test.db");                    Statement stmt = c.createStatement();                    String sql2 = "drop TABLE sys_data ";                    exeUpdateSafe(stmt, sql2);                    sql2 = "CREATE TABLE sys_data (jsonfld json  )";                    exeUpdateSafe(stmt, sql2);                    // insert into facts values(json_object("mascot", "Our mascot is a dolphin name                    // sakila"));                    //                    for (Object object : li) {                        String jsonstr = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(object);                        sql = "insert into sys_data values('" + jsonstr + "');";                        // sql = "insert into sys_data values('{\"id\":\"19\", \"name\":\"Lida\"}');";                        exeUpdateSafe(stmt, sql);                    }                    //sql = "SELECT json_extract(jsonfld,'$.name') as name1 FROM sys_data limit 1;";                //  System.out.println(sql);                    QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner();                    // maphandler scare_handler                    System.out.println(sql_query);                    List<Map<String, Object>> query = run.query(c, sql_query, new MapListHandler());                    System.out.println(query);                    List li9=Lists.newArrayList();                    for (Map<String, Object> map : query) {                        li9.add(map.get("jsonfld"));                    }                    return li9;                }                private static void exeUpdateSafe(Statement stmt, String sql2) throws SQLException {                    try {                        System.out.println(sql2);                        System.out.println(stmt.executeUpdate(sql2));                    } catch (Exception e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }            }