@EnableTransactionManagement annotation with 2 transaction managers @EnableTransactionManagement annotation with 2 transaction managers spring spring

@EnableTransactionManagement annotation with 2 transaction managers

In your configuration class, use @EnableTransactionManagement annotation.

Define a transaction manager in this class as:

    @Bean(name="txName")    public HibernateTransactionManager txName() throws IOException{        HibernateTransactionManager txName= new HibernateTransactionManager();        txName.setSessionFactory(...);        txName.setDataSource(...);        return txName;   }

There on, in your class/method that executes transactional job(s), annotate as follows:



@Transactional(value = "txName")

This is how you would tie a name qualified transaction manager to wherever you need it. You can now have as many transaction managers as you want and use it accordingly wherever you need.

Just in case anyone runs into this problem, I found a solution:

@Configuration@EnableTransactionManagement@DependsOn("myTxManager")@ImportResource("classpath:applicationContext.xml")public class AppConfig implements TransactionManagementConfigurer {@Autowiredprivate PlatformTransactionManager myTxManager;...@Overridepublic PlatformTransactionManager annotationDrivenTransactionManager() {    return this.myTxManager;}

In this way, you can use a specific txManager defined in an xml configuration.

In case you want to define the txManager used on service-level, you shall remove the @EnableTransactionManagement annotation from the @Configuration class and specify the txManager in the @Transactional annotations, e.g.

@Service@Transactional(value="myTxManager", readOnly = true)public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService { ... }

From the java doc

For those that wish to establish a more direct relationship between
@EnableTransactionManagement and the exact transaction manager bean to be used, the TransactionManagementConfigurer callback interface may be implemented - notice the implements clause and the @Override-annotated method below:

Your @Configuration class needs to implement TransactionManagementConfigurer interface - implement the annotationDrivenTransactionManager which will return the reference to the transactionManager that should be used.