Hibernate HQL Count Distinct not working? Hibernate HQL Count Distinct not working? spring spring

Hibernate HQL Count Distinct not working?

Your query should work as expected with a minor modification to the way you use distinct:

select count(distinct r.user) from Rating as r where r.item = :item group by r.user

An other, but more lengthy way, of doing this query is by using User and join:

select count(distinct u) from User as u inner join u.ratings as r where r.item = :itemgroup by r.user

This is how to do in Hibernate Criteria

Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Rating.class).add(Restrictions.like("item", item).addOrder(Order.asc("user")).setProjection(       Projections.distinct(Projections.projectionList()                        .add(Projections.property("user"), "user"))).setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(Rating.class));

Simply run the query within a transaction.

Transaction tx=session.beginTransaction;//Run your query heretx.commit();

The problem arises because of hibernate caching.