How do I prevent people from doing XSS in Spring MVC? How do I prevent people from doing XSS in Spring MVC? spring spring

How do I prevent people from doing XSS in Spring MVC?

In Spring you can escape the html from JSP pages generated by <form> tags. This closes off a lot avenues for XSS attacks, and can be done automatically in three ways:

For the entire application in the web.xml file:

<context-param>    <param-name>defaultHtmlEscape</param-name>    <param-value>true</param-value></context-param>

For all forms on a given page in the file itself:

<spring:htmlEscape defaultHtmlEscape="true" /> 

For each form:

<form:input path="someFormField" htmlEscape="true" /> 

I use Hibernate Validator via @Valid for all input objects (binding and @RequestBody json, see So @org.hibernate.validator.constraints.SafeHtml is a good solution for me.

Hibernate SafeHtmlValidator depends on org.jsoup, so it's needed to add one more project dependencies:

<dependency>    <groupId>org.jsoup</groupId>    <artifactId>jsoup</artifactId>    <version>1.10.1</version></dependency>

For bean User with field

@NotEmpty@SafeHtmlprotected String name;

for update attempt with value <script>alert(123)</script> in controller

@PutMapping(value = "/{id}", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)public void update(@Valid @RequestBody User user, @PathVariable("id") int id) 


@PostMappingpublic void createOrUpdate(@Valid User user) {

is thrown BindException for binding and MethodArgumentNotValidException for @RequestBody with default message:

name may have unsafe html content

Validator works as well for binding, as before persisting.Apps could be tested at

UPDATE: see also comment from @GuyT

CVE-2019-10219 and status of @SafeHtml

We have been made aware of a CVE-2019-10219 related to the @SafeHtml constraint and it was fixed in both 6.0.18.Final and 6.1.0.Final....

However, we came to the conclusion that the @SafeHtml constraint was fragile, highly security-sensitive and depending on an external library that wasn’t designed for this purpose. Having it included in core Hibernate Validator was not a very good idea. That’s why we deprecated it and marked it for removal.There is no magic plan here so our users will have to maintain this constraint themselves

Resume for myself: it is safe and could be used, until solution better be found.