How to catch non-MVC and non-REST exceptions in Spring Boot How to catch non-MVC and non-REST exceptions in Spring Boot spring spring

How to catch non-MVC and non-REST exceptions in Spring Boot

You can define an aspect.Using Java-based configuration it will look like this:

@Aspectpublic class ExceptionHandler {    @AfterThrowing(pointcut="execution(* your.base.package..*.*(..))", throwing="ex")    public void handleError(Exception ex) {        //handling the exception     }}

If you need to inject a bean, add the @Component annotation:

@Aspect@Componentpublic class ExceptionHandler {    @Autowired    private NotificationService notificationService;    @AfterThrowing(pointcut="execution(* your.base.package..*.*(..))", throwing="ex")    public void handleError(Exception ex) {        notificationService.sendMessage(ex.getMessage());     }}

You can use the aop in spirngframework,first you should config the aop configuration.

<bean id="aspect" class="com.zhuyiren.Main"/><aop:config>    <aop:aspect ref="aspect">        <aop:after-throwing method="after" throwing="ex" pointcut="execution(* com.zhuyiren.service..*.*(..)),args(ex)"/>    </aop:aspect></aop:config>

and then you should declare a aspect class has method be named after:

public class Main {public void after(JoinPoint point,Throwable ex){    System.out.println(point);    System.out.println("catch error:"+ex.getMessage());}

When the service is throwning a error,the method will catch and resolve it.In my Sevice,i make a ArithmeticException,and run the application,the print is:

execution(TeacherInfo com.zhuyiren.service.TeacherService.getTeacherInfo())catch error:/ by zero

Of course,the above configuration is depends on xml,you also can do it through Annotation such as @Aspect,@Pointcut,@AfterThrowing.