How to load property file based on spring profiles How to load property file based on spring profiles spring spring

How to load property file based on spring profiles

I'll give step by step procedure for Spring boot applications.

  1. Inside /src/main/resources/ mention (or Prod)
  2. Create /src/main/resources/ and give your custom dev configurations here.
  3. Create /src/main/resources/ and give your custom prod configurations here.


Put property file in same location as and followthe naming convention application-{profile}.properties,,

And in set,test etc

For Spring Boot applications it will work easily even by using a YAML File

spring:   profiles: dev  property: this is a dev env---spring:   profiles: prod  property: this is a production env ---

However, for a Spring MVC application, it needs more work. Have a look at this link

Basically, it involves 2 steps

  1. Get the Spring Profile within servlet context

If you have set the profile on the server and want it to retrieve it within your application you can use System.getProperty or System.getenv methods.Here is the code which fetches the profile and defaults it to a local profile, if no profile has been found.

private static final String SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE = "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE";String profile;/** * In local system getProperty() returns the profile correctly, however in docker getenv() return profile correctly * */protected void setSpringProfile(ServletContext servletContext) {if(null!= System.getenv(SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE)){    profile=System.getenv(SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE);}else if(null!= System.getProperty(SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE)){    profile=System.getProperty(SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE);}else{    profile="local";}"***** Profile configured  is  ****** "+ profile);servletContext.setInitParameter("", profile);}
  1. To access the, say now you will need to use@Profile("dev") at the class level

The following code will fetch the and

@Configuration@Profile("dev")public class DevPropertyReader {    @Bean    public static PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer properties() {    PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer ppc = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();    Resource[] resources = new ClassPathResource[] { new ClassPathResource("properties/"), new ClassPathResource("properties/") };    ppc.setLocations(resources);    ppc.setIgnoreUnresolvablePlaceholders(true);    return ppc;    }}

For accessing say you have to use @Profile("prod") at the class level. More details can be found here