How to use @Autowired in a Quartz Job? How to use @Autowired in a Quartz Job? spring spring

How to use @Autowired in a Quartz Job?

In your solution you are using the spring @Autowired annotation in a class that is not instantiated by Spring. Your solution will still work if you remove the @Autowired annotation because Quartz is setting the property, not Spring.

Quartz will try to set every key within the JobDataMap as a property. E.g. since you have a key "myDao" Quartz will look for a method called "setMyDao" and pass the key's value into that method.

If you want Spring to inject spring beans into your jobs, create a SpringBeanJobFactory and set this into your SchedulerFactoryBean with the jobFactory property within your spring context.

SpringBeanJobFactory javadoc:

Applies scheduler context, job data map and trigger data map entries as bean property values

Not sure if this is what you want, but you can pass some configuration values to the Quartz job. I believe in your case you could take advantage of the jobDataAsMap property you already set up, e.g.:

 <property name="jobDataAsMap">    <map>      <entry key="schedulerTask" value-ref="schedulerTask" />      <entry key="param1" value="com.custom.package.ClassName"/>     </map>  </property>

Then you should be able to access it in your actual Java code in manual way:

protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {    schedulerTask.printSchedulerMessage();    System.out.println(context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().getString("param1"));}

Or using the magic Spring approach - have the param1 property defined with getter/setter. You could try defining it with java.lang.Class type then and have the done automatically (Spring would do it for you):

 private Class<?> param1; // getter & setter protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {    schedulerTask.printSchedulerMessage();    System.out.println("Class injected" + getParam1().getName()); }     

I haven't tested it though.

ApplicationContext springContext =     WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(        ContextLoaderListener.getCurrentWebApplicationContext().getServletContext()    );Bean bean = (Bean) springContext.getBean("beanName");bean.method();