idea intellij maven project can't make idea intellij maven project can't make spring spring

idea intellij maven project can't make

Do the following steps:

  1. Find your pom.xml in your files
  2. Right click on it --> Maven --> Import
  3. Wait for the project to load :D
  4. Press ctrl+alt+shift+s (This opens the Projects window.)
  5. Go to libraries and see if they are empty (they shouldnt)
  6. If they are post your full pom.xml please so I can see the problem
  7. If you still have a problem got to File --> Invalidate Caches/Restart
  8. Go to maven and Reimport All Maven Projects

Option Maven -> Reimportshould force Intellij to reload all dependencies. Alternatively, as mentioned in comments you can click the Reimport All Maven Projects button in Maven Projects view.

In my case, I had my own apache-maven-3.5.2 folder and a misconfiguration created my problem. Maybe it's your case too:

In rush, I set the local repository to C:/my/folder/apache-maven-3.5.2/settings.xml, but it must be a folder so Maven didn't allow me to download the dependencies. Then I changed the default (in the picture) and it worked.

enter image description here