In Spring, how do I bind a list of integers to a RequestParam? In Spring, how do I bind a list of integers to a RequestParam? spring spring

In Spring, how do I bind a list of integers to a RequestParam?

The problem you are facing is that java has type erasure. So at runtime a List<Integer> is equivalent than a List<String> and spring has no way of knowing you want Integers into your list.

A work around might be using a integer array instead of a List of integers.

@RequestMapping("/delete.x")public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> delete(HttpServletRequest request,  @RequestParam("ids[]") Integer[] ids) {

For string I have done like this and this running properly

<form action="addArticals">    <input name="artical[]" type="text"> </input>    <input name="artical[]" type="text"> </input>    <input name="artical[]" type="text"> </input>    <input name="artical[]" type="text"> </input>    .    .    .    .    <input name="artical[]" type="text"> </input></form>

and in controller it will be like this

@RequestMapping("/addArticals")public String articalStore(@RequestParam("artical[]")List<String> articals, Modal modal){}