Is Spring hard compared to Ruby on Rails? [closed] Is Spring hard compared to Ruby on Rails? [closed] spring spring

Is Spring hard compared to Ruby on Rails? [closed]

I don't like this comparison.

You should compare Grails or Spring Roo to Rails. Groovy Grails is a RoR like system built on Spring that uses Groovy for rails-like DSLs. Roo is a vaguely railish pure java DSL for RoR like apps.

I really hate to say it this way but Spring is a platform. You use it to wire Java technologies together. You can use it for non-web, non-database, zero UI apps. You can use it to write batch servers. You can use it to write clients.

Rails isn't the same. I really like rails for data driven web apps but I shudder at the thought of writing a batch processing system in rails.

After working with Rails, Spring (and just about any other Java coding) feels tedious and time consuming.

Both Spring and Ruby on Rails share the "convention over configuration" moto. This reduces code lines significantly. Ruby on Rails is a Web Framework and it could be compared with Spring MVC, together with an ORM tool like Hibernate.

One could say that Spring together with Spring MVC or another MVC framework and Hibernate are the closest that you can get to Ruby on Rails for the Java world.

However, Spring has a much wider scope than RoR.