Java Spring Boot Test: How to exclude java configuration class from test context Java Spring Boot Test: How to exclude java configuration class from test context spring spring

Java Spring Boot Test: How to exclude java configuration class from test context

Typically you would use Spring profiles to either include or exclude Spring beans, depending on which profile is active. In your situation you could define a production profile, which could be enabled by default; and a test profile. In your production config class you would specify the production profile:

@Configuration@PropertySource("")@Profile({ "production" })public class OTPConfig {}

The test config class would specify the test profile:

@TestConfiguration@Import({ TestDataSourceConfig.class, TestMailConfiguration.class,    TestOTPConfig.class })@TestPropertySource("")@Profile({ "test" })public class TestAMCApplicationConfig extends AMCApplicationConfig {}

Then, in your test class you should be able to say which profiles are active:

@RunWith(SpringRunner.class)@SpringBootTest(classes = TestAMCApplicationConfig.class)@ActiveProfiles({ "test" })public class AuthUserServiceTest {  ....}

When you run your project in production you would include "production" as a default active profile, by setting an environment variable:


Of course your production startup script might use something else besides JAVA_OPTS to set the Java environment variables, but somehow you should set

You can also use @ConditionalOnProperty like below:

@ConditionalOnProperty(value="otpConfig", havingValue="production")@Configuration@PropertySource("")public class OTPConfig { }

and for tests:

@ConditionalOnProperty(value="otpConfig", havingValue="test")@Configuration@PropertySource("")public class TestOTPConfig { }

Then specify in your main/resources/config/application.yml

otpConfig: production

and in your test/resources/config/application.yml

otpConfig: test

You can also just mock the configuration you don't need. For example:

@MockBeanprivate AnyConfiguration conf;

Put it into your test class. This should help to avoid that the real AnyConfiguration is being loaded.