Jersey 2 + Swagger returns empty list APIs Jersey 2 + Swagger returns empty list APIs spring spring

Jersey 2 + Swagger returns empty list APIs

Try to add this to your resource class (constructor):

    register(ApiListingResource.class);    register(SwaggerSerializers.class);    BeanConfig beanConfig = new BeanConfig();    beanConfig.setVersion("1.0.0");    beanConfig.setSchemes(new String[]{"http"});    beanConfig.setBasePath("/api"); //or insert your base path (see main Jersey app class)    beanConfig.setResourcePackage("");    beanConfig.setScan(true);    beanConfig.setPrettyPrint(true);

I had the same problem and used sth like below.

I have a bean that contains a list of possible values generated at app start via config. Swagger should show the list, but this does not work.

@GET@Path("info/types")@PermitAll@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)@ApiOperation(value = "Possible bean types", notes = "List all available bean types",        response = BeanTypesList.class, responseContainer = "List")@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "List of all available bean types",        response = BeanTypesList.class) })@Timed@ExceptionMetered@CacheControl(maxAge = 6, maxAgeUnit = TimeUnit.HOURS)public List<BeanType> getBeanTypes() throws JsonProcessingException {    return new ArrayList<BeanType>(BeanType.values());}

    public class SwaggerClassHelper {    @ApiModel(value = "BeanTypesList", description = "Overview of possible bean types")    public class BeanTypesList {        @ApiModelProperty(value = "List of several possible bean types.", required = true)        private List<BeanType> types;        @JsonCreator        public BeanTypesList(                List<BeanType> types) {            this.types = types;        }        public List<BeanType> getTypes() {            return this.types;        }        @JsonIgnore        @Override        public String toString() {            return ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(this);        }    }}

@ApiModel(value = "Bean type", description = "Represents the type of a bean.")public final class BeanType {    @JsonIgnore    private static Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>();    @JsonProperty("name")    private String name;    private BeanType(            List<String> names) {        synchronized (BeanType.names) {            BeanType.names.addAll(names);        }    }    private BeanType(            String name) { = name;    }    //... other methods}

I know its not the wanted solution if you use swagger, but you can specify the input/output via the response fields!