Jetty startup delay Jetty startup delay spring spring

Jetty startup delay

Jetty 7 (and maybe lower):

Set the (very) verbose debug logging with -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.DEBUG=true (see Jetty/Starting/Porting to Jetty 7) and try to see what is happening during this minute.

As a side note, you'll probably need jsp support so you should pass -DOPTIONS=Server,deploy,jsp when starting (see Running Jetty-7.0.x).

And if you don't need fancy things from Jetty 7.x, then you should stick with Jetty 6 instead of Jetty 7 eclipse (more stable, less problems because of the Eclipse migration, better documentation, easier to use).

Jetty 8:

In Jetty 8.1: System Property [org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.DEBUG] has been deprecated! (Use org.eclipse.jetty.LEVEL=DEBUG instead)

Try changing the logging level to DEBUG and see it that reveals anything interesting. If nothing else, it might allow you to narrow down where in the startup sequence the problem is.