Multipart File upload using Springfox and Swagger-ui Multipart File upload using Springfox and Swagger-ui spring spring

Multipart File upload using Springfox and Swagger-ui

In my situation, there were two things I needed to do

  1. My MultipartFile request param had to be named 'file', otherwise, swagger-ui wouldn't display the file upload input control
@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file
  1. I had to register the following bean
@Bean(name = "multipartResolver")public CommonsMultipartResolver commonsMultipartResolver(){    return new CommonsMultipartResolver();}

I think you are missing the consumes attribute of the @RequestMapping in your second snippet. See the following example

@RequestMapping(    path = "/upload",     method = RequestMethod.POST,     consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)public ResponseEntity<String> handleUpload(        @RequestPart("file") MultipartFile file,         @RequestParam("someId") Long someId,                 @RequestParam("someOtherId") Long someOtherId) {     return new ResponseEntity<>();}


@RequestPart(required = true) MultipartFile file

And use the version number 2.1.0 or latest, there is a bug with previous versions.