Specify default property value as NULL in Spring Specify default property value as NULL in Spring spring spring

Specify default property value as NULL in Spring

It is better to use Spring EL in such way

<property name="password" value="${email.password:#{null}}"/>

it checks whether email.password is specified and sets it to null (not "null" String) otherwise

have a look at PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#setNullValue(String)

It states that:

By default, no such null value is defined. This means that there is no way to express null as a property value unless you explictly map a corresponding value

So just define the string "null" to map the null value in your PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">    <property name="nullValue" value="null"/>    <property name="location" value="testing.properties"/></bean>

Now you can use it in your properties files:


You can try use Spring EL.

<prop key="email.username">#{null}</prop>