Spring 4 REST program to return a List in XML using JAXB Spring 4 REST program to return a List in XML using JAXB spring spring

Spring 4 REST program to return a List in XML using JAXB

I was able to generate an XML of the list of customers.

First create a generic wrapper class (The intent behind this is to use this generic class to pass a list of objects of any class).

The Generic Wrapper Class :

@XmlRootElement@XmlSeeAlso({Customer.class})public class EntityList<T> { private List<T> listOfEntityObjects;    public EntityList() {        listOfEntityObjects = new ArrayList<T>();    }    public EntityList(List<T> listOfEntityObjects) {        this.listOfEntityObjects = listOfEntityObjects;    }    @XmlAnyElement    public List<T> getItems() {        return listOfEntityObjects;    }

The modified REST method :

@RequestMapping(value="/customer-list.xml",produces="application/xml")public  EntityList<Customer> getCustomerListInXML(){    List<Customer> customerList = new ArrayList<Customer>();    Customer customerObj1 = new Customer();    customerObj1.setId(1);    customerObj1.setName("Vijay");    ArrayList<String> favBookList1 = new ArrayList<String>();    favBookList1.add("Book1");    favBookList1.add("Book2");    customerObj1.setFavBookList(favBookList1);    customerList.add(customerObj1);    Customer customerObj2 = new Customer();    customerObj2.setId(2);    customerObj2.setName("Rajesh");    ArrayList<String> favBookList2 = new ArrayList<String>();    favBookList2.add("Book3");    favBookList2.add("Book4");    customerObj2.setFavBookList(favBookList2);    customerList.add(customerObj2);    EntityList<Customer> listOfCustomers =       new EntityList<Customer>  (customerList);    return listOfCustomers;}

The XML Response :

<entityList> <customer id="1">  <booklist>   <book xsi:type="xs:string">Book1</book>   <book xsi:type="xs:string">Book2</book>  </booklist>  <name>Vijay</name> </customer> <customer id="2">  <booklist>   <book xsi:type="xs:string">Book3</book>   <book xsi:type="xs:string">Book4</book>  </booklist>  <name>Rajesh</name> </customer></entityList>

Note :

The root element of the generated XML is entityList (which is taken from the name of the wrapper class)

However, I would like that the XML Root Element should be the plural of the entity name i.e customers in this case.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

406 Not Acceptable The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.

Your back-end service is responding that the response type what it is returning is not provided/or it is different in the Accept-Type HTTP header in your request.

Find out the response content type returned by your server.Provide this content type in your request HTTP Accept header value.http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html HTTP Status codes

Other observations I think you should use parameterized type of List.

private List<String> favBookList; public List<String> getFavBookList() {   return favBookList;}public void setFavBookList(List<String> favBookList) {   this.favBookList = favBookList;}