Spring @Async ignored Spring @Async ignored spring spring

Spring @Async ignored

@Async (as well as @Transactional and other similar annotations) will not work when the method is invoked via this (on when @Async is used for private methods*), as long as you do not use real AspectJ compiletime or runtime weaving.

*the private method thing is: when the method is private, then it must been invoked via this - so this is more the consequence then the cause

So change your code:

@Servicepublic class DefaultNotificationProcessor implements NotificationProcessor {    @Resource    private DefaultNotificationProcessor selfReference;    @Override    public void process(Notification notification) {        selfReference.processAsync(notification);    }    //the method must not been private    //the method must been invoked via a bean reference    @Async    void processAsync(Notification notification) {        // Heavy processing    }}

See also the answers for: Does Spring @Transactional attribute work on a private method? -- this is the same problem