spring message tag with multiple arguments spring message tag with multiple arguments spring spring

spring message tag with multiple arguments

The cause of the probelm is that , (comma) is the default separator. So at the end the spring message tag will get the String A,B,C,D,E,F for parameter arguments, and it will split this string into 6 different internal arguments for the message.

You must change the separator. If you use ; for example, then it will work.

<spring:message code="messageCode"       arguments="${value1};${value2};${value3}"       htmlEscape="false"       argumentSeparator=";"/>

@See Spring Reference: Appendix F.6 The Message Tag

You could also send the different values as an array and leave no room for spring making a mistake in how to parse the string argument.

<c:set var="value1" value="A,B;X" /><c:set var="value2" value="C,D;Y" /><c:set var="value3" value="E,F;Z" /><spring:message code="messageCode"   arguments="${[value1, value2, value3]}"   htmlEscape="false" />

This way you need no worry about your new separator somehow being used in a value at some point again.

I use completely different approach. My database-based message source is exposed in my config with the name i18n:

@Bean(name = {"i18n", "messageSource"})public MessageSource messageSource() {    return new JpaMessageSource();}

and I also expose my beans with viewResolver.setExposeContextBeansAsAttributes(true);After that I can use ${i18n.message("messageCode", value1, value2, value3)} in my jsp-views.