Spring mvc 3.1 integration tests with session support Spring mvc 3.1 integration tests with session support spring spring

Spring mvc 3.1 integration tests with session support


It seems a new method "sessionAttrs" has been added to the builder (see mvc controller test with session attribute)

Map<String, Object> sessionAttrs = new HashMap<>();sessionAttrs.put("sessionAttrName", "sessionAttrValue");mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/uri").sessionAttrs(sessionAttrs))      .andDo(print())      .andExpect(MockMvcResultMatchers.status().isOk());


here is a simpler solution to achieve the same result without using supporting classes, this is a snippet of my code (I don't know if these methods had been already available when Biju Kunjummen answered):

        HttpSession session = mockMvc.perform(post("/login-process").param("j_username", "user1").param("j_password", "user1"))            .andExpect(status().is(HttpStatus.FOUND.value()))            .andExpect(redirectedUrl("/"))            .andReturn()            .getRequest()            .getSession();                      Assert.assertNotNull(session);        mockMvc.perform(get("/").session((MockHttpSession)session).locale(Locale.ENGLISH))            .andDo(print())            .andExpect(status().isOk())             .andExpect(view().name("logged_in"));

I have done this in a somewhat roundabout manner - works though. What I did was to let Spring-Security create a session with the relevant Security attributes populated in the session and then grab that session this way:

    this.mockMvc.perform(post("/j_spring_security_check")            .param("j_username", "fred")            .param("j_password", "fredspassword"))            .andExpect(status().isMovedTemporarily())            .andDo(new ResultHandler() {                @Override                public void handle(MvcResult result) throws Exception {                    sessionHolder.setSession(new SessionWrapper(result.getRequest().getSession()));                }            });

SessionHolder is my custom class, just to hold the session:

private static final class SessionHolder{    private SessionWrapper session;    public SessionWrapper getSession() {        return session;    }    public void setSession(SessionWrapper session) {        this.session = session;    }}

and SessionWrapper is another class extending from MockHttpSession, just because the session method requires MockHttpSession:

private static class SessionWrapper extends MockHttpSession{    private final HttpSession httpSession;    public SessionWrapper(HttpSession httpSession){        this.httpSession = httpSession;    }    @Override    public Object getAttribute(String name) {        return this.httpSession.getAttribute(name);    }}

With these set, now you can simply take the session from the sessionHolder and execute subsequent methods, for eg. in my case:

mockMvc.perform(get("/membersjson/1").contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).session(sessionHolder.getSession()))            .andExpect(status().isOk())            .andExpect(content().string(containsString("OneUpdated")));