Spring MVC @RequestParam a list of objects Spring MVC @RequestParam a list of objects spring spring

Spring MVC @RequestParam a list of objects

Request parameters are a Multimap of String to String. You cannot pass a complex object as request param.

But if you just pass the username that should work - see how to capture multiple parameters using @RequestParam using spring mvc?

@RequestParam("users") List<String> list

But I think it would be better to just use the request body to pass information.

Spring mvc can support List<Object>, Set<Object> and Map<Object> param, but without @RequestParam.

Take List<Object> as example, if your object is User.java, and it like this:

public class User {    private String name;    private int age;    // getter and setter}

And you want pass a param of List<User>, you can use url like this[0].name=Alice&users[0].age=26&users[1].name=Bob&users[1].age=16

Remember to encode the url, the url after encoded is like this:

Example of List<Object>, Set<Object> and Map<Object> is displayed in my github.