Spring RestTemplate streaming response into another request Spring RestTemplate streaming response into another request spring spring

Spring RestTemplate streaming response into another request

If you want to forward the response directly without ever holding it in memory, you have to directly write to the response:

@RequestMapping(value = "/yourEndPoint")public void processRequest(HttpServletResponse response) {    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();    response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK.value());    restTemplate.execute(        fileToDownloadUri,        HttpMethod.GET,        (ClientHttpRequest requestCallback) -> {},        responseExtractor -> {            IOUtils.copy(responseExtractor.getBody(), response.getOutputStream());            return null;        });}

Since you tell RestTemplate to expect InputStreamResource it will try and use an appropriate converter to convert your message to a InputStreamResource. ( I'm guessing there is none that handles this as you want )

You should be able to let it expect a Resource from where you can get an input stream and read that.

 import org.springframework.core.io.Resource; ResponseEntity<Resource> exchange = RestTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, new HttpEntity(httpHeaders), Resource.class); InputStream inputStream = exchange.getBody().getInputStream();

using this you can write the response to somewhere else. Files.write(inputStream, new File("./test.json")); wrote the file for me, so I assume the inputstream can also be used somewhere else. ( I used Spring 4.3.5 )


As the OP states, this will still load the file in memory. Behind the scene the InputStream is a ByteArrayInputStream.

The default RestTemplate and MessageConverters are not made for streaming content at all. You could write your own implementation of a org.springframework.web.client.ResponseExtractor and maybe a MessageConverter. In ResponseExtractor you have access to the org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse

imho for your use case, you might be better of using Apache Httpcomponents HttpClient where you find HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream).