Springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException hibernate.SQLGrammarException MySQLSyntaxErrorException Springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException hibernate.SQLGrammarException MySQLSyntaxErrorException spring spring

Springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException hibernate.SQLGrammarException MySQLSyntaxErrorException

The error is basically saying that there isn't a field/column on PortfolioType called portfoliotype_id that it can find, because the field is actually called id.

This is a basic error because your ID column name doesn't match what you've specified in your @JoinColumn annotation.

Change the classes to the following and it should work.

public class Story implements TimesheetLoggable, LabelContainer, NamedObject, TaskContainer {    /** other fields omitted for space **/    @ManyToOne(optional = true, targetEntity=PortfolioType.class)    @JoinColumn(name="portfolioTypeId")    private PortfolioType portfoliotype;}

Portfolio Type:

public class PortfolioType {    @Id    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)    @XmlAttribute(name = "objectId")    @Column(name="portfolioTypeId")    private int portfolioTypeId;    /** other fields omitted for space **/}

You need to make sure that the name value in your @Column annotation, matches the name in your @JoinColumn annotation. Which is why always using id as your ID field name isn't a great idea.

Also, just a tip, putting these annotations on the setters, makes it much harder to read and work out what your relationships are. The usual convention is to to put these annotations on the field declarations.

Most commonly InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException is thrown when database access is restricted to Read-only mode and you are trying to perform any DML query.