Terminating mvn spring-boot:run doesn't stop tomcat Terminating mvn spring-boot:run doesn't stop tomcat spring spring

Terminating mvn spring-boot:run doesn't stop tomcat

It still happens to me on version 1.1.9 running on windows 7.

So after hitting Ctrl C. The fastest way to kill the background java will be .

Find the java PID

     c:\>netstat -ano | find "8080"     TCP               LISTENING       1196     TCP    [::]:8080              [::]:0                 LISTENING       1196     c:\>taskkill /F /PID 1196     SUCCESS: The process with PID 1196 has been terminated.

I am assuming in the example above that you are running on http port 8080

For Mac Users:

     $lsof -i :8080     COMMAND   PID   USER   FD   TYPE             DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME     java    SOME_PID user  417u  IPv6 0xa4b3be242c249a27      0t0  TCP *:name (LISTEN)     kill -9 SOME_PID

Here is what I do on Mac:

kill `lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP | grep 8080 | tr -s " " "\n" | sed -n 2p`

It finds the PID using 8080 and kills it.

Edit:in ubuntu, use the command:

fuser -k 8080/tcp

to kill the process. I'm using spring-boot 1.3.0-Build-snapshot and the problem still persist. My SO is Ubuntu and the problem occurs either running from Eclipse or from the console. The discussion about this issue is here. This seems to be an issue with spring-boot libraries, at least concerning tomcat libraries. I'm also in the line for the this fix. Unfortunately this is the price we pay for trying to use cutting edge technologies until they get matured.