WebClient maxConnection pool limit? WebClient maxConnection pool limit? spring spring

WebClient maxConnection pool limit?

Before reactor-netty 0.9.0.M4 version there wasn't limit by default because of "elastic" connection provider was used. This fix changed it to "fixed" connection provider with the limit of 500.

To change the connection pool limit you could define your own WebClient.Builder bean and use it to create WebClient

@Beanpublic WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder() {    String connectionProviderName = "myConnectionProvider";    int maxConnections = 100;    int acquireTimeout = 1000;    HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.create(ConnectionProvider            .fixed(connectionProviderName, maxConnections, acquireTimeout));    return WebClient.builder()            .clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient));}

Or you could implement custom org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientCustomizer in the same manner with the predefined WebClient.Builder

taken from the netty documentation

By default, the TCP client uses a “fixed” connection pool with 500 as the maximum number of the channels and 45s as the acquisition timeout.