what is the difference between ResponseEntity<Mono> and Mono<ResponseEntity> as a return type of a rest controller what is the difference between ResponseEntity<Mono> and Mono<ResponseEntity> as a return type of a rest controller spring spring

what is the difference between ResponseEntity<Mono> and Mono<ResponseEntity> as a return type of a rest controller

Here are the various options you can make with a ResponseEntity return value:

  • ResponseEntity<Mono<T>> or ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> -- this makes the response status and headers known immediately while the body is provided asynchronously at a later point. Whether the body is Mono or Flux depends on how many values the response has.
  • Mono<ResponseEntity<T>> -- this provides all three -- response status, headers, and body, asynchronously at a later point. IT allows the response status and headers to vary depending on the outcome of asynchronous request handling.
  • Mono<ResponseEntity<Mono<T>>> or Mono<ResponseEntity<Flux<T>>> are also possible but less common. They provide the response status and headers asynchronously first and then the response body, also asynchronously at a second point later.


WebFlux supports using a single value reactive type to produce theResponseEntity asynchronously, and/or single and multi-value reactivetypes for the body.

So the return type on an annotated controller would actually be a Reactive Publisher like Flux or Mono that emits an object representing the data to return.



Or also:


I think you can even just set a raw DTO type as the return type and Webflux will automagically wrap it in a publisher for you.

Valid Return Types


Example: https://github.com/oktadeveloper/okta-spring-webflux-react-example/blob/react-app/reactive-web/src/main/java/com/example/demo/ProfileRestController.java

Non-blocking Reactive Paradigm

When doing Reactive Programming you want to every layer to communicate via Flux/Mono. So you would get back a Flux from your ReactiveRepository and the service layer would also return a Flux to the Controller. Basically, in reactive programming everything is a Flux/Mono.


While SpringMVC and Spring Webflux annotated controllers look similar, they are vastly different internally. For instance, Webflux uses Jetty while SpringMVC uses Tomcat by default. Internally, Webflux is more like a non-blocking event-loop architecture while SpringMVC traditionally leverages a threadpool with 1 thread per request blocking for I/O.

Check out this article for more details on Spring WebFlux