When use ResponseEntity<T> and @RestController for Spring RESTful applications When use ResponseEntity<T> and @RestController for Spring RESTful applications spring spring

When use ResponseEntity<T> and @RestController for Spring RESTful applications

ResponseEntity is meant to represent the entire HTTP response. You can control anything that goes into it: status code, headers, and body.

@ResponseBody is a marker for the HTTP response body and @ResponseStatus declares the status code of the HTTP response.

@ResponseStatus isn't very flexible. It marks the entire method so you have to be sure that your handler method will always behave the same way. And you still can't set the headers. You'd need the HttpServletResponse.

Basically, ResponseEntity lets you do more.

To complete the answer from Sotorios Delimanolis.

It's true that ResponseEntity gives you more flexibility but in most cases you won't need it and you'll end up with these ResponseEntity everywhere in your controller thus making it difficult to read and understand.

If you want to handle special cases like errors (Not Found, Conflict, etc.), you can add a HandlerExceptionResolver to your Spring configuration. So in your code, you just throw a specific exception (NotFoundException for instance) and decide what to do in your Handler (setting the HTTP status to 404), making the Controller code more clear.

According to official documentation: Creating REST Controllers with the @RestController annotation

@RestController is a stereotype annotation that combines @ResponseBody and @Controller. More than that, it gives more meaning to your Controller and also may carry additional semantics in future releases of the framework.

It seems that it's best to use @RestController for clarity, but you can also combine it with ResponseEntity for flexibility when needed (According to official tutorial and the code here and my question to confirm that).

For example:

@RestControllerpublic class MyController {    @GetMapping(path = "/test")    @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK)    public User test() {        User user = new User();        user.setName("Name 1");        return user;    }}

is the same as:

@RestControllerpublic class MyController {    @GetMapping(path = "/test")    public ResponseEntity<User> test() {        User user = new User();        user.setName("Name 1");        HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();        // ...        return new ResponseEntity<>(user, responseHeaders, HttpStatus.OK);    }}

This way, you can define ResponseEntity only when needed.


You can use this:

    return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(responseHeaders).body(user);