wicket @SpringBean can not create bean wicket @SpringBean can not create bean spring spring

wicket @SpringBean can not create bean

@SpringBean works only in any Subclass of Component.

You need to do the following in your Constructor

Wicket 1.4


Wicket 1.5+


See 'generic IDataProvider implementation' @ http://stronglytypedblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/wicket-patterns-and-pitfalls-1.html


A bit more of context for those who are newbies to Wicket/Spring environment - as bert, pointed out, @SpringBean works only in any Subclass of Component so you'll need to drive the injection manually. This is a 2 step process:

Drive the injection in your class, something as:

public class SortableContactDataProvider extends SortableDataProvider<User>{    @SpringBean    private Service service;    public SortableContactDataProvider(){        Injector.get().inject(this); // set up the injection    }    public Iterator<User> iterator(int first, int count)    {        return service.findAllUsers().subList(0, 15).iterator();    }}

And make sure the Injector is set up in Wicket application - something like:

public WicketApplication     @Override    protected void init() {        // make sure Spring injector is available and set up        getComponentInstantiationListeners().add(new SpringComponentInjector(this));    }}