Can I create a named default constraint in an add column statement in SQL Server? Can I create a named default constraint in an add column statement in SQL Server? sql-server sql-server

Can I create a named default constraint in an add column statement in SQL Server?

This should work:

ALTER TABLE t_tableName     ADD newColumn VARCHAR(50)    CONSTRAINT YourContraintName DEFAULT '' NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE t_tableName     ADD newColumn int NOT NULL        CONSTRAINT DF_defaultvalue DEFAULT (1)

I would like to add some details:

The most important hint is: You should never-ever create a constraint without an explicit name!

The biggest problem with unnamed constraints: When you execute this on various customer machines, you will get different/random names on each.
Any future upgrade script will be a real headache...

The general advise is:

  • No constraint without a name!
  • Use some naming convention e.g.
    • DF_TableName_ColumnName for a default constraint
    • CK_TableName_ColumnName for a check constraint
    • UQ_TableName_ColumnName for a unique constraint
    • PK_TableName for a primary key constraint

The general syntax is

TheColumn <DataType> Nullability CONSTRAINT ConstraintName <ConstraintType> <ConstraintDetails>

Try this here

You can add more constraints to each column and you can add additional constraints just as you add columns after a comma:

CREATE TABLE dbo.SomeOtherTable(TheIdThere INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_SomeOtherTable PRIMARY KEY)GOCREATE TABLE dbo.TestTable( --define the primary key ID INT IDENTITY NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_TestTable PRIMARY KEY --let the string be unique (results in a unique index implicitly),SomeUniqueString VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT UQ_TestTable_SomeUniqueString UNIQUE --define two constraints, one for a default value and one for a value check,SomeNumber INT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_TestTable_SomeNumber DEFAULT (0)                     CONSTRAINT CK_TestTable_SomeNumber_gt100 CHECK(SomeNumber>100) --add a foreign key constraint,SomeFK INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_TestTable_SomeFK FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.SomeOtherTable(TheIdThere) --add a constraint for two columns separately,CONSTRAINT UQ_TestTable_StringAndNumber UNIQUE(SomeFK,SomeNumber));GO

--insert some data

INSERT INTO dbo.SomeOtherTable VALUES(1);INSERT INTO dbo.TestTable(SomeUniqueString,SomeNumber,SomeFK) VALUES('hello',111,1);GOINSERT INTO dbo.TestTable(SomeUniqueString,SomeNumber,SomeFK) VALUES('fails due to uniqueness of 111,1',111,1);