Combining ORDER BY AND UNION in SQL Server Combining ORDER BY AND UNION in SQL Server sql-server sql-server

Combining ORDER BY AND UNION in SQL Server

Put your order by and top statements into sub-queries:

select first.Id, first.Name from (    select top 1 *     from Locations     order by Id) firstunion allselect last.Id, last.Name from (    select top 1 *     from Locations     order by Id desc) last

select * from (SELECT TOP 1 Id,Name FROM Locations ORDER BY Id) XUNION ALLSELECT TOP 1 Id,Name FROM Locations ORDER BY Id DESC

If you're working on SQL Server 2005 or later:

; WITH NumberedRows as (    SELECT Id,Name,       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Id) as rnAsc,       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Id desc) as rnDesc    FROM        Locations)select * from NumberedRows where rnAsc = 1 or rnDesc = 1

The only place this won't be like your original query is if there's only one row in the table (in which case my answer returns one row, whereas yours would return the same row twice)