Django-pydobc SQL server connection problems on windows Django-pydobc SQL server connection problems on windows sql-server sql-server

Django-pydobc SQL server connection problems on windows

Try using This should work on both Linux and Windows.

Then define your database settings as such:

DATABASES = {    'default': {        'ENGINE': 'sql_server.pyodbc',        'NAME': 'dbname',        'HOST': 'dsn_entry',        'PORT': 'port',        'USER': '',        'PASSWORD': 'pass',        'OPTIONS': {            'driver': 'FreeTDS',            'dsn': 'dsn_entry',            'host_is_server': True        }    }}

Under Windows the 'driver' entry in OPTIONS should be:

'driver': 'SQL Native Client',

Edit: Oops, failed to see that the you had solved the problem. Leaving my answer here as reference.