Does SQL Server creates Non clustered index by default Does SQL Server creates Non clustered index by default sql-server sql-server

Does SQL Server creates Non clustered index by default

The only indexes that get created automatically:

  • the clustered index on your primary key (unless you specify otherwise - if you define your primary key to be nonclustered, then a nonclustered index will be created)

  • a unique nonclustered index when you apply a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT to a column (or set of columns)

Just to spell it out - the Result of Pinal Dave's example are indexes similar to the following:

TestTable   PK__TestTabl__3214EC2703317E3D  CLUSTEREDTestTable   UQ__TestTabl__A259EE55060DEAE8  NONCLUSTERED

Which can be explained as follows:

PK Clustered

If a table is created with a primary key, then it is a Clustered Table, and the Clustered Index is defaulted to the Primary Key unless you specify otherwise. (Tables without a Clustered Index are Heaps)

UQ Nonclustered

SQL does not usually create any non-clustered indexes on a table by default.

However, as Marc has pointed out, because the table has a column with a UNIQUE constraint, (Col1 INT NOT NULL UNIQUE), MS SQL implements the constraint as a unique, non-clustered index on that column.

See also: Is the Sql Server Unique Key also an Index?