Editing database records by multiple users Editing database records by multiple users sql-server sql-server

Editing database records by multiple users

If you expect infrequent collisions, Optimistic Concurrency is probably your best bet.

Scott Mitchell wrote a comprehensive tutorial on implementing that pattern:
Implementing Optimistic Concurrency

A classic approach is as follows:

  • add a boolean field , "locked" to each table.
  • set this to false by default.
  • when a user starts editing, you do this:

    • lock the row (or the whole table if you can't lock the row)
    • check the flag on the row you want to edit
    • if the flag is true then
      • inform the user that they cannot edit that row at the moment
    • else
      • set the flag to true
    • release the lock

    • when saving the record, set the flag back to false

@ Mark Harrison : SQL Server does not support that syntax (SELECT ... FOR UPDATE).

The SQL Server equivalent is the SELECT statement hint UPDLOCK.

See SQL Server Books Online for more information.