Filter based on an aliased column name Filter based on an aliased column name sql-server sql-server

Filter based on an aliased column name

You can't reference aliases in a where clause like that... you either have to duplicate the CASE in the WHERE, or you can use a subquery like this:

SELECT id, myAliasFROM(    SELECT id, CASE WHEN <snip extensive column definition> END AS myAlias    FROM myTable) dataWHERE myAlias IS NOT NULL

Using CTEs is also an option:

;with cte (id, myAlias) as (select id, case when <snip extensive column definition> end as myAlias       from myTable) select id, myAlias  from cte  where myAlias is not null

Put the same CASE statement in the WHERE clause:

SELECT id, CASE WHEN <snip extensive column definition> END AS myAliasFROM myTableWHERE CASE WHEN <snip extensive column definition> END IS NOT NULL


Another option is to nest the query:

SELECT id, myAliasFROM (    SELECT id, CASE WHEN <snip extensive column definition> END AS myAlias    FROM myTable) AS subTableWHERE myAlias IS NOT NULL

(Edit: removed HAVING option, as this was incorrect (thanks @OMG Ponies))