How can I generate an INSERT script for an existing SQL Server table that includes all stored rows? How can I generate an INSERT script for an existing SQL Server table that includes all stored rows? sql-server sql-server

How can I generate an INSERT script for an existing SQL Server table that includes all stored rows?

Yes, but you'll need to run it at the database level.

Right-click the database in SSMS, select "Tasks", "Generate Scripts...". As you work through, you'll get to a "Scripting Options" section. Click on "Advanced", and in the list that pops up, where it says "Types of data to script", you've got the option to select Data and/or Schema.

Screen shot of Advanced Scripting Options

This script generates insert statements of your existing data. This is a stored procedure which you need to run once and then it is tailor made for you.

I tried to find this kind of stuff for a while but wasn't satisfied with the results, so I wrote this stored procedure.


Exec [dbo].[INS]  'Dbo.test where 1=1'

(1) Here dbo is schema and test is tablename and 1=1 is condition.

Exec [dbo].[INS]  'Dbo.test where name =''neeraj''' * for string

(2) Here dbo is schema and test is tablename and name='neeraj' is condition.

Here is the stored procedure

/*Authore : neeraj prasad sharma (please dont remove this :))Example (1) Exec [dbo].[INS]  'Dbo.test where 1=1'        (2) Exec [dbo].[INS]  'Dbo.test where name =''neeraj''' * for stringhere Dbo is schema and test is tablename and 1=1 is condition*/CREATE procedure  [dbo].[INS]                              (                                                             @Query  Varchar(MAX)                                                          )                              AS                              SET nocount ON                  DECLARE @WithStrINdex as INT                            DECLARE @WhereStrINdex as INT                            DECLARE @INDExtouse as INT                            DECLARE @SchemaAndTAble VArchar(270)                            DECLARE @Schema_name  varchar(30)                            DECLARE @Table_name  varchar(240)                            DECLARE @Condition  Varchar(MAX)                             SET @WithStrINdex=0                            SELECT @WithStrINdex=CHARINDEX('With',@Query )                            , @WhereStrINdex=CHARINDEX('WHERE', @Query)                            IF(@WithStrINdex!=0)                            SELECT @INDExtouse=@WithStrINdex                            ELSE                            SELECT @INDExtouse=@WhereStrINdex                            SELECT @SchemaAndTAble=Left (@Query,@INDExtouse-1)                                                     SELECT @SchemaAndTAble=Ltrim (Rtrim( @SchemaAndTAble))                            SELECT @Schema_name= Left (@SchemaAndTAble, CharIndex('.',@SchemaAndTAble )-1)                            ,      @Table_name = SUBSTRING(  @SchemaAndTAble , CharIndex('.',@SchemaAndTAble )+1,LEN(@SchemaAndTAble) )                            ,      @CONDITION=SUBSTRING(@Query,@WhereStrINdex+6,LEN(@Query))--27+6                            DECLARE @COLUMNS  table (Row_number SmallINT , Column_Name VArchar(Max) )                              DECLARE @CONDITIONS as varchar(MAX)                              DECLARE @Total_Rows as SmallINT                              DECLARE @Counter as SmallINT              DECLARE @ComaCol as varchar(max)            SELECT @ComaCol=''                   SET @Counter=1                              SET @CONDITIONS=''                              INSERT INTO @COLUMNS                              SELECT Row_number()Over (Order by ORDINAL_POSITION ) [Count], Column_Name FROM INformation_schema.columns WHERE Table_schema=@Schema_name AND table_name=@Table_name         SELECT @Total_Rows= Count(1) FROM @COLUMNS                              SELECT @Table_name= '['+@Table_name+']'                      SELECT @Schema_name='['+@Schema_name+']'                      While (@Counter<=@Total_Rows )                              begin                               --PRINT @Counter                              SELECT @ComaCol= @ComaCol+'['+Column_Name+'],'            FROM @COLUMNS                              WHERE [Row_number]=@Counter                          SELECT @CONDITIONS=@CONDITIONS+ ' + Case When ['+Column_Name+'] is null then ''Null'' Else '''''''' + Replace( Convert(varchar(Max),['+Column_Name+']  ) ,'''''''',''''  ) +'''''''' end+'+''','''                                                     FROM @COLUMNS                              WHERE [Row_number]=@Counter                              SET @Counter=@Counter+1                              End                              SELECT @CONDITIONS=Right(@CONDITIONS,LEN(@CONDITIONS)-2)                              SELECT @CONDITIONS=LEFT(@CONDITIONS,LEN(@CONDITIONS)-4)              SELECT @ComaCol= substring (@ComaCol,0,  len(@ComaCol) )                            SELECT @CONDITIONS= '''INSERT INTO '+@Schema_name+'.'+@Table_name+ '('+@ComaCol+')' +' Values( '+'''' + '+'+@CONDITIONS                              SELECT @CONDITIONS=@CONDITIONS+'+'+ ''')'''                              SELECT @CONDITIONS= 'Select  '+@CONDITIONS +'FRom  ' +@Schema_name+'.'+@Table_name+' With(NOLOCK) ' + ' Where '+@Condition                              print(@CONDITIONS)                              Exec(@CONDITIONS)  

Yes, use the commercial but inexpensive SSMS Tools Pack addin which has a nifty "Generate Insert statements from resultsets, tables or database" feature