How to add a boolean datatype column to an existing table in sql? How to add a boolean datatype column to an existing table in sql? sql-server sql-server

How to add a boolean datatype column to an existing table in sql?

In SQL SERVER it is BIT, though it allows NULL to be stored

ALTER TABLE person add  [AdminApproved] BIT default 'FALSE';

Also there are other mistakes in your query

  1. When you alter a table to add column no need to mention column keyword in alter statement

  2. For adding default constraint no need to use SET keyword

  3. Default value for a BIT column can be ('TRUE' or '1') / ('FALSE' or 0). TRUE or FALSE needs to mentioned as string not as Identifier

The answer given by Pரதீப் creates a nullable bool, not a bool, which may be fine for you. For example in C# it would create: bool? AdminApprovednot bool AdminApproved.

If you need to create a bool (defaulting to false):

    ALTER TABLE person    ADD AdminApproved BIT    DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;

In phpmyadmin, If you need to add a boolean datatype column to an existing table with default value true:

ALTER TABLE books   isAvailable boolean default true;