How to declare local variables in postgresql? How to declare local variables in postgresql? sql-server sql-server

How to declare local variables in postgresql?

Postgresql historically doesn't support procedural code at the command level - only within functions. However, in Postgresql 9, support has been added to execute an inline code block that effectively supports something like this, although the syntax is perhaps a bit odd, and there are many restrictions compared to what you can do with SQL Server. Notably, the inline code block can't return a result set, so can't be used for what you outline above.

In general, if you want to write some procedural code and have it return a result, you need to put it inside a function. For example:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION somefuncname() RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$DECLARE  one int;  two int;BEGIN  one := 1;  two := 2;  RETURN one + two;END$$;SELECT somefuncname();

The PostgreSQL wire protocol doesn't, as far as I know, allow for things like a command returning multiple result sets. So you can't simply map T-SQL batches or stored procedures to PostgreSQL functions.