How to get Insert id in MSSQL in PHP? How to get Insert id in MSSQL in PHP? sql-server sql-server

How to get Insert id in MSSQL in PHP?

@@IDENTITY returns the most recent identity generated in the current session. In most cases you'll probably want to use SCOPE_IDENTITY instead, which returns the most recent identity generated in the current scope.

For example, if you insert a row into table1, but that insert fires a trigger which inserts a row into table2, then @@IDENTITY will return the identity from table2 whereas SCOPE_IDENTITY will return the identity from table1.

INSERT INTO my_table (my_column) VALUES ('test')-- return the identity of the row you just inserted into my_table-- regardless of any other inserts made by triggers etcSELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS ins_id

No; it works much like SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() in mysql, retrieving the last identity value inserted. You may want to take a look at this in-depth examination for more on what you might want to be concerned about with it.

Here is code snippet somewhat based on Joomla code. $dbh is database connection (result of mssql_connect()). Key name (ID) is updated if you pass $keyName argument.

This code is using MSSQL keyword "OUTPUT" to get ID (or any required value) of inserted value.

function mssql_insertObject($table, &$object, $keyName = NULL){    global $dbh;    if($keyName) {        $fmtsql = 'INSERT INTO '. $table .' ( %s ) OUTPUT INSERTED.' . $keyName . ' VALUES ( %s ) ';    }    else {        $fmtsql = 'INSERT INTO '. $table .' ( %s ) VALUES ( %s ) ';    }    $fields = array();    foreach (get_object_vars( $object ) as $k => $v) {        if (is_array($v) or is_object($v) or $v === NULL) {            continue;        }        if ($k[0] == '_') { // internal field            continue;        }        $fields[] = $k;        $values[] = "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $v) . "'";    }    $sql = sprintf( $fmtsql, implode( ",", $fields ) ,  implode( ",", $values ) );    $query = mssql_query($sql, $dbh);    if($query === false) {        return false;    }    if(is_resource($query))    {        if($keyName) {            $id = mssql_result($query, 0, 0);            if($id) {                $object->$keyName = $id;            }        }        mssql_free_result($query);    }    return true;}