How to identify whether the table has identity column How to identify whether the table has identity column sql-server sql-server

How to identify whether the table has identity column

This query returns a table's identity column name:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_GetIdentity@schemaname nvarchar(128) = 'dbo'  ,@tablename nvarchar(128)ASBEGIN    SELECT   OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS TABLENAME,              NAME AS COLUMNNAME,              SEED_VALUE,              INCREMENT_VALUE,              LAST_VALUE,              IS_NOT_FOR_REPLICATION     FROM     SYS.IDENTITY_COLUMNS     WHERE OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) = @tablename    AND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) = @schemanameEND

Then form the code side.

Call this stored procedure using the datareader role, then check datareader.hasrows(). If the condition value is true (1), then the table has identity column if set. If not then it doesn't have an identity column.


ObjectProperty is available starting sql server 2008 Reference: OBJECTPROPERTY

I know it's long time ago but i found this helpful

try this :

IF EXISTS (SELECT * from syscolumns where id = Object_ID(@TABLE_NAME) and colstat & 1 = 1)BEGIN   -- Do your thingsEND