How to rebuild view in SQL Server 2008 How to rebuild view in SQL Server 2008 sql-server sql-server

How to rebuild view in SQL Server 2008

I believe what you're looking for is

sp_refreshview [ @viewname = ] 'viewname'

Updates the metadata for the specifiednon-schema-bound view. Persistentmetadata for a view can becomeoutdated because of changes to theunderlying objects upon which the viewdepends.

See Microsoft Docs

In order to rebuild all views of a SQL Server database, you could use the following script:

DECLARE @view_name AS NVARCHAR(500);DECLARE views_cursor CURSOR FOR     SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' +TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES     WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'VIEW'     AND OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(TABLE_NAME), 'IsMsShipped') = 0     ORDER BY TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME OPEN views_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM views_cursor INTO @view_name WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN    BEGIN TRY        EXEC sp_refreshview @view_name;        PRINT @view_name;    END TRY    BEGIN CATCH        PRINT 'Error during refreshing view "' + @view_name + '".';    END CATCH;    FETCH NEXT FROM views_cursor     INTO @view_name END CLOSE views_cursor; DEALLOCATE views_cursor;

This is a slightly modified version from this blog posting. It uses the sp_refreshview stored procedure, too.

As well as Cory's answer, you could define it properly using schemabinding and the full column list.

CREATE VIEW MyViewWITH SCHEMABINDINGASSELECT    col1, col2, col3, ..., colnFROM    MyTableGO