How to select a max row for each group in SQL How to select a max row for each group in SQL sql-server sql-server

How to select a max row for each group in SQL

try this query instead,

  WITH OrderedOrders AS  (     SELECT country,grpid,value,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY country ORDER BY   country,value DESC) AS 'RowNumber'      FROM test1  )  select * from  OrderedOrders where RowNumber =1

I believe this is what you're looking for:

SQL Fiddle

;with cte as (  select       country,      max(value) as MaxVal,      min(row_number) as MinRow  from test1  group by Country)select,  t.grpid,  c.MaxVal,  c.MinRowfrom cte cjoin test1 t  on =   and t.value = c.MaxVal  and t.row_number = c.MinRoworder by country, grpid

Can you please try out this query

select     country,    value,    grpid,    count(*) from test1 group by      country,    value,    grpid order by     country,    value desc