In SQL Server is it possible to get "id" of a record when Insert is executed? In SQL Server is it possible to get "id" of a record when Insert is executed? sql-server sql-server

In SQL Server is it possible to get "id" of a record when Insert is executed?

In .Net at least, you can send multiple queries to the server in one go. I do this in my app:

command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [Employee] (Name) VALUES (@Name); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";int id = (int)command.ExecuteScalar();

Works like a charm.

If you're inserting multiple rows, the use of the OUTPUT and INSERTED.columnname clause on the insert statement is a simple way of getting all the ids into a temp table.

DECLARE @MyTableVar table( ID int,                                 Name varchar(50),                                 ModifiedDate datetime);  INSERT MyTable          OUTPUT INSERTED.ID, INSERTED.Name, INSERTED.ModifiedDate INTO @MyTableVar  SELECT someName, GetDate() from SomeTable