MS SQL Server - When is a CURSOR good? MS SQL Server - When is a CURSOR good? sql-server sql-server

MS SQL Server - When is a CURSOR good?

Normally they are to be avoided, but the feature is there for a reason and there are times to use them. I'd say 90+% of the cursors I've seen are not needed. If you are using them for CRUD operations, that can almost always be redone in a set-based fashion. I've often seen people use cursors for this because they don't know how to use joins in an update or delete or that they can use a select statment instead of a values clause in an insert. Another unnecessary use when people think they need them for slightly more complex processing that actually could easily be handled with a case statement.

Cursors are sometimes faster for calculating something like a running total.

Cursors are also handy for multiple executions of a stored proc that is set up to handle only one input value at a time. I do not use this feature for running user stored procs (unless I know I will be hitting a very small set of data) but it is very handy for database admins when needing to run system procs against multiple tables.

If you are creating emails in SQl (not the best place to do it, but in some systems that's where they do it) and do not want the entire audience of the email to see the other people on the list or you want to personalize each email with information about the addressee, cursors are the way to go.

Cursors or loops can be used also to process batches of records if the entire set-based insert/update/delete will take too long and lock up the tables. This is a sort of a hybrid between the cursors and the set-based solution and is often the best one for large changes on production systems.

I asked a guy on the SQL Server team one time, if you could add one feature that would make the product better for everyone what would it be?

His response was 'Add? Huh, I would take one away. If you get rid of cursors you force programmers all over the world to start thinking about things in a SET based way and that will be the biggest world wide increase in DB performance you will ever see.'

For my part however I tend to see a pattern, there seems to be a lot of procedural coders who use cursors because they need to be able to do an operation one element at a time and miss the old fashion WHILE loop concept. Same basic idea without the cursor overhead. Still not near as fast/effective as something SET based but 90% of the time when someone claims 'I cant do this set based, I have to use cursors' I can get them to do it with a while loop.

Here's an article by a rather opinionated fellow, who gives reasoning for not using Cursors and some answers as to how they came to be: There Must be 15 Ways to Lose Your Cursors.