Oracle XE or SQL Server Express Oracle XE or SQL Server Express sql-server sql-server

Oracle XE or SQL Server Express

I would go for the SQL Server Express solution, unless you absolutely have to use a feature in Oracle that SQL Server does not have and you have no usable workaround.

Example of Oracle's strengths:

  • Analytical Functions in Oracle ROCK!
  • PL/SQL is better than T-SQL.
  • If you're going to scale up the system to 1,000's of users all updating the same small dataset
  • You scale upto multi-TB databases,
  • You need to scale to need big numbers of CPU's in your server (over 8).
  • need instant failover (RAC)
  • you really cannot afford to lose a transaction.

Maybe you can tell, I'm a big Oracle fan! But I think that Oracle Express is a commercial reaction to SQL Server Express and I don't think Oracle really deep deep down likes it.

  • You know with SQL Server that there is an upgrade path (SQL Server 2008 is soon) plus service packs.
  • SQL Express is also more "install and forget" than Oracle.
  • and it will integrate better with your IDE (if your using .NET)

In terms of speed, both are going to be lighting quick with such a small dataset size.

It would be hard to argue either way given the needs you outlined, that either would shine over the other.

What I will say is this:

  1. You say you are already familar with SSExpress, then that is a good reason to stick with it
  2. IMHO the tools with SSExpress are superior and easier to use than the Oracle equivalent

That said, I have much more experience with SS than Oracle so YMMV.

Sorry, no link, but one advice. Because we support Oracle and SQL Server, I know that getting fixes for the 'normal' Oracle database, is not something what I call fun. You have to pay for it, and if you have no tool which updates your Oracle system for you, it's a pain in the a.., if you ask me. Check out how the Oracle XE is supported with updates/fixes. I don't know, I only use the 'normal' Oracle (Developer) database.