ORDER BY DATE showing NULLS first then most recent dates ORDER BY DATE showing NULLS first then most recent dates sql-server sql-server

ORDER BY DATE showing NULLS first then most recent dates

@Chris, you almost have it.

ORDER BY (CASE WHEN [Submission Date] IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) DESC,          [Submission Date] DESC

[Edit: #Eppz asked me to tweak the code above as currently shown]

I personally prefer this a lot better than creating "magic numbers". Magic numbers are almost always a problem waiting to happen.

You can do something like this put the NULL's at the bottom:

ORDER BY [Submission Date] IS NULL DESC, [Submission Date] ASC

Standard SQL (ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003 or later - 2008) provides for:


Most DBMS do not actually support this yet, AFAIK.