Printing SQL Server Diagrams (from SQL Server Management Studio Express) Printing SQL Server Diagrams (from SQL Server Management Studio Express) sql-server sql-server

Printing SQL Server Diagrams (from SQL Server Management Studio Express)

Within the diagram, do a Copy Diagram to Clipboard from the edit menu, and then paste into a new Microsoft Word document. From there, you can scale the drawing as you wish.

If you have a printer capable of printing to 11 x 17 paper, this works well. I have been able to print schemas with 30 tables this way onto a single page, and the table objects are very nearly actual size.

Right click in a space area then choose " Copy diagram to Clipboard ".

Go to "Paint" paste it then print it.

Manual Solution: 1- Open the diagram in SSMS2- Right-Click and select 'View Page Breaks' (If your diagram is displayed across multiple pages, go to #3)3- drag-and-drop all of you table items into one page space (you are done!)4- Use the Zoom drop-down control to view your tables (i.e. Fit to, 10%, ... 100%)5- save As Whatever name you want6- Print your diagram, and it will fit to one page.

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