Rebuild all indexes in a Database Rebuild all indexes in a Database sql-server sql-server

Rebuild all indexes in a Database

Try the following script:



I prefer(After a long search) to use the following script, it contains @fillfactor determines how much percentage of the space on each leaf-level page is filled with data.

DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(255)DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(500)DECLARE @fillfactor INTSET @fillfactor = 80 DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR FORSELECT QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME([object_id]))+'.' + QUOTENAME(name) AS TableNameFROM sys.tablesOPEN TableCursorFETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableNameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSET @sql = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @TableName + ' REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),@fillfactor) + ')'EXEC (@sql)FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableNameENDCLOSE TableCursorDEALLOCATE TableCursorGO

for more info, check the following link:

and if you want to Check Index Fragmentation on Indexes in a Database, try the following script:

SELECT dbschemas.[name] as 'Schema',dbtables.[name] as 'Table',dbindexes.[name] as 'Index',indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent,indexstats.page_countFROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS indexstatsINNER JOIN sys.tables dbtables on dbtables.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]INNER JOIN sys.schemas dbschemas on dbtables.[schema_id] = dbschemas.[schema_id]INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS dbindexes ON dbindexes.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]AND indexstats.index_id = dbindexes.index_idWHERE indexstats.database_id = DB_ID() AND dbtables.[name] like '%%'ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent desc

For more information, Check the following link:

Replace the "YOUR DATABASE NAME" in the query below.

    DECLARE @Database NVARCHAR(255)       DECLARE @Table NVARCHAR(255)      DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(1000)      DECLARE DatabaseCursor CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR      SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases       WHERE name IN ('YOUR DATABASE NAME')  -- databases    AND state = 0 -- database is online    AND is_in_standby = 0 -- database is not read only for log shipping    ORDER BY 1      OPEN DatabaseCursor      FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database      WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0      BEGIN         SET @cmd = 'DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT ''['' + table_catalog + ''].['' + table_schema + ''].['' +         table_name + '']'' as tableName FROM [' + @Database + '].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_type = ''BASE TABLE'''          -- create table cursor         EXEC (@cmd)         OPEN TableCursor          FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table          WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0          BEGIN          BEGIN TRY                SET @cmd = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @Table + ' REBUILD'              PRINT @cmd -- uncomment if you want to see commands             EXEC (@cmd)           END TRY          BEGIN CATCH             PRINT '---'             PRINT @cmd             PRINT ERROR_MESSAGE()              PRINT '---'          END CATCH          FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table          END          CLOSE TableCursor          DEALLOCATE TableCursor         FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database      END      CLOSE DatabaseCursor       DEALLOCATE DatabaseCursor

Also a good script, although my laptop ran out of memory, but this was on a very large table

USE [<mydatabasename>]Go--/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---Arguments             Data Type               Description--------------          ------------            --------------@FillFactor           [int]                   Specifies a percentage that indicates how full the Database Engine should make the leaf level--                                              of each index page during index creation or alteration. The valid inputs for this parameter--                                              must be an integer value from 1 to 100 The default is 0.--                                              For more information, see             [varchar](3)            Specifies index padding. The PAD_INDEX option is useful only when FILLFACTOR is specified,--                                              because PAD_INDEX uses the percentage specified by FILLFACTOR. If the percentage specified--                                              for FILLFACTOR is not large enough to allow for one row, the Database Engine internally--                                              overrides the percentage to allow for the minimum. The number of rows on an intermediate--                                              index page is never less than two, regardless of how low the value of fillfactor. The valid--                                              inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF. The default is OFF.--                                              For more information, see         [varchar](3)            Specifies whether to store temporary sort results in tempdb. The valid inputs for this--                                              parameter are ON or OFF. The default is OFF.--                                              For more information, see        [varchar](3)            Specifies whether underlying tables and associated indexes are available for queries and data--                                              modification during the index operation. The valid inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF.--                                              The default is OFF.--                                              Note: Online index operations are only available in Enterprise edition of Microsoft--                                                      SQL Server 2005 and above.--                                              For more information, see      [varchar](4)            Specifies the data compression option for the specified index, partition number, or range of--                                              partitions. The options  for this parameter are as follows:--                                                  > NONE - Index or specified partitions are not compressed.--                                                  > ROW  - Index or specified partitions are compressed by using row compression.--                                                  > PAGE - Index or specified partitions are compressed by using page compression.--                                              The default is NONE.--                                              Note: Data compression feature is only available in Enterprise edition of Microsoft--                                                      SQL Server 2005 and above.--                                              For more information about compression, see               [int]                   Overrides the max degree of parallelism configuration option for the duration of the index--                                              operation. The valid input for this parameter can be between 0 and 64, but should not exceed--                                              number of processors available to SQL Server.--                                              For more information, see - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/-- Ensure a USE <databasename> statement has been executed first.SET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE  @Version                           [numeric] (18, 10)        ,@SQLStatementID                    [int]        ,@CurrentTSQLToExecute              [nvarchar](max)        ,@FillFactor                        [int]        = 100 -- Change if needed        ,@PadIndex                          [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed        ,@SortInTempDB                      [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed        ,@OnlineRebuild                     [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed        ,@LOBCompaction                     [varchar](3) = N'ON' -- Change if needed        ,@DataCompression                   [varchar](4) = N'NONE' -- Change if needed        ,@MaxDOP                            [int]        = NULL -- Change if needed        ,@IncludeDataCompressionArgument    [char](1);IF OBJECT_ID(N'TempDb.dbo.#Work_To_Do') IS NOT NULL    DROP TABLE #Work_To_DoCREATE TABLE #Work_To_Do    (      [sql_id] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1)                     PRIMARY KEY ,      [tsql_text] [varchar](1024) ,      [completed] [bit]    )SET @Version = CAST(LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)), CHARINDEX('.', CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128))) - 1) + N'.' + REPLACE(RIGHT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)), LEN(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128))) - CHARINDEX('.', CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)))), N'.', N'') AS [numeric](18, 10))IF @DataCompression IN (N'PAGE', N'ROW', N'NONE')    AND (        @Version >= 10.0        AND SERVERPROPERTY(N'EngineEdition') = 3        )BEGIN    SET @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'Y'ENDIF @IncludeDataCompressionArgument IS NULLBEGIN    SET @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'N'ENDINSERT INTO #Work_To_Do ([tsql_text], [completed])SELECT 'ALTER INDEX [' + i.[name] + '] ON' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(t2.[TABLE_CATALOG]) + '.' + QUOTENAME(t2.[TABLE_SCHEMA]) + '.' + QUOTENAME(t2.[TABLE_NAME]) + SPACE(1) + 'REBUILD WITH (' + SPACE(1) + + CASE        WHEN @PadIndex IS NULL            THEN 'PAD_INDEX =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[is_padded]                    WHEN 1                        THEN 'ON'                    WHEN 0                        THEN 'OFF'                    END        ELSE 'PAD_INDEX =' + SPACE(1) + @PadIndex        END + CASE        WHEN @FillFactor IS NULL            THEN ', FILLFACTOR =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](3), REPLACE(i.[fill_factor], 0, 100))        ELSE ', FILLFACTOR =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](3), @FillFactor)        END + CASE        WHEN @SortInTempDB IS NULL            THEN ''        ELSE ', SORT_IN_TEMPDB =' + SPACE(1) + @SortInTempDB        END + CASE        WHEN @OnlineRebuild IS NULL            THEN ''        ELSE ', ONLINE =' + SPACE(1) + @OnlineRebuild        END + ', STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE =' + SPACE(1) + CASE st.[no_recompute]        WHEN 0            THEN 'OFF'        WHEN 1            THEN 'ON'        END + ', ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[allow_row_locks]        WHEN 0            THEN 'OFF'        WHEN 1            THEN 'ON'        END + ', ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[allow_page_locks]        WHEN 0            THEN 'OFF'        WHEN 1            THEN 'ON'        END + CASE        WHEN @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'Y'            THEN CASE                    WHEN @DataCompression IS NULL                        THEN ''                    ELSE ', DATA_COMPRESSION =' + SPACE(1) + @DataCompression                    END        ELSE ''        END + CASE        WHEN @MaxDop IS NULL            THEN ''        ELSE ', MAXDOP =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](2), @MaxDOP)        END + SPACE(1) + ')'    ,0FROM [sys].[tables] t1INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] i ON t1.[object_id] = i.[object_id]    AND i.[index_id] > 0    AND i.[type] IN (1, 2)INNER JOIN [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES] t2 ON t1.[name] = t2.[TABLE_NAME]    AND t2.[TABLE_TYPE] = 'BASE TABLE'INNER JOIN [sys].[stats] AS st WITH (NOLOCK) ON st.[object_id] = t1.[object_id]    AND st.[name] = i.[name]SELECT @SQLStatementID = MIN([sql_id])FROM #Work_To_DoWHERE [completed] = 0WHILE @SQLStatementID IS NOT NULLBEGIN    SELECT @CurrentTSQLToExecute = [tsql_text]    FROM #Work_To_Do    WHERE [sql_id] = @SQLStatementID    PRINT @CurrentTSQLToExecute    EXEC [sys].[sp_executesql] @CurrentTSQLToExecute    UPDATE #Work_To_Do    SET [completed] = 1    WHERE [sql_id] = @SQLStatementID    SELECT @SQLStatementID = MIN([sql_id])    FROM #Work_To_Do    WHERE [completed] = 0END